Streaming the best music, talk and Torah 24/6 from an undisclosed location, deep inside Nachlaot - Jerusalem's coolest neighborhood - to the World!

Nachlaot is the Greenwich Village / Haight Ashbury of Jerusalem - rhymes with "rock the boat, skin the goat"

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ZOOM: The Leader in Field Recording Excellence
As Aretha Sang: "Who's Zoomin' Who?"

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Tonight at "reva l'sheva" it will be time for something really special!

That's Right!
Sunday Night Live Meets Homegrown?
Well maybe you could say that, or then again, we can just say that it's Tuesday Night Live with our special guest (and good friend) Yehuda Katz!

That's Right! Yehuda will be back in studio "B" tonight, Tuesday, December 31st, at 7:00 PM Jerusalem time.
Now, as Lorelai has posted on Facebook, this is not our "Sylvester" show, nor is this a replacement for a good old fashioned Grateful Dead New Year's Eve show.  This is much, much more (if you can believe that there is anything more than a Grateful Dead New Year's Eve show!!! :))))
Let's just say that tonight's visit is a warm-up for the upcoming Reva L'sheva reunion concert that will take place January 7th at Zappa's in Jerusalem.
This not only a chance to catch up with Yehuda but a chance to prepare ourselves and get in the spirit for what will surely be a great night of music, energy and general hysteria (hopefully one of many more shows to come) with that great band, Reva L'sheva.

....and if you don't know what I'm talking about, then you for sure better be listening!!!!!
C Ya on the Radio!!!!

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Number 9, Number 9, Number 9...... (revised)

Yes, folks. It's the 9th week of the 9 Weeks of Shlomo, already!!
Now, we all know that Reb Moish is the LAST word on all things Shlomo (jerry and spinning), and we thought that, as we have done in the past, that tonight Reb Moish would have the last word, once again, on the last night of the 9 Weeks of Shlomo....but, alas, Reb Moish will not be with us (for reasons as yet to be disclosed) so, Tonight, 7:00 PM on Sunday Night Live, we will let Shlomo have the LAST WORD, himself.
To celebrate Shlomo's Birthday, and his life, we will listen to 2 Shlomo learnings, one from the Sufi Center, 1981, and one all about "the Moon" (one of my favorite Shlomo learnings).
So, if you haven't been paying attention for the last 8 weeks, don't worry.
Listen tonight as we bring it all home,
Right here on
c ya on the Radio!!!!!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

"One More Saturday Night" LIVE from the Isabella Freedman Jewish Retreat Center - It's BLUES FOR CHALLAH!

Join us for the long-awaited broadcast of the "One More Saturday Night" Jam tonight, Saturday December 15th, starting about 9pm Eastern Time (sorry everyone else in the rest of the world, that's 4am Israel time on Sunday morning, and for y'all in LA, that's 6pm Saturday night).

Whatever time it is, wherever you are - wake yourself up and dance to the music!

It's been a Gevaldt sh'b'Gevaldt this Shabbos at the 3rd Annual Grateful Deadfest. It's a snowy winter wonderland at Isabella Freedman Jewish Retreat Center - the weather is picturesque (at least for Lorelai, who's from California after all, where snow is Hollywoodish), the davening and the Torah was sweet and deep, the chevre beautiful and glowing with kedusha and simcha .... More details to follow - but meanwhile -  listen to the music play!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Monday, Maya, Morrison!

December 8, 1943.  Birthday - Jim Morrison.

He would have been 70 Years old, yesterday.
Jim Morrison, lead singer of the Doors, Rock Poet, lit our fires and opened up many musical doors and actually proved himself wrong --in the end, the music is never over!!!!!
Tonight, 9-11 PM Jerusalem Time, Maya will celebrate Jim Morrison's life and play 2 hours of the music of the Doors.
So, "tell all the people" people - Maya, and the Doors, are coming!!!!

C Ya on the Radio!

Sunday, December 8, 2013



Blues for Challah Encores at the Isabella Freedman Jewish Retreat Center!

December 13th - 15th

Visit and use the code B4CHIGHER2013 to save $50 while registering!

Meet RFN's Lorelai Kude at Blues for Challah!

She'll be broadcasting the "One More Saturday Night" Moetzi Shabbos Jam live from Isabella Freedman, you can hear it on Radio Free Nachlaot - but don't you want to be there in person?


If you have to travel by air to get there, don't forget about JETBLUE AIRWAYS - they're our official travel sponsor (of course! You know, JetBLUE, BLUES for Challah, Stella BLUE, etc.!)

Thursday, December 5, 2013

So, This is IT! "ZOT CHANUKA" is upon us!!!

That's right. Today is the Eighth day of Chanuka -- 8 Candles burning bright -- and Radio Free Nachlaot has something special for all of you.
(of course you can donate all year long.....)
We know you've been reviewing all those to whom you've already given gifts, or for those of you who celebrate the end of December festivals, those to whom you might be giving gifts - 'cause we know you don't want to forget anyone, right? Well, did you know that "Gifts" and Chanuka used to mean giving "Chanuka Gelt" - money - not just presents.
So, for ONE DAY ONLY - today, ZOT CHANUKA you can continue that established (i don't want to say old) tradition, and not leave anyone off your list at the same time. How? Just go to the Donate button on our web page, and Gift Radio Free Nachlaot some Chanuka Gelt! It's real easy, just takes a minute, and you'll be able to be connected to your favorite internet radio station in the "old, traditional, way."
Believe it or not, Radio FREE Nachlaot isn't really cost-free. We do need rubles (dollars, shekels) to run this station, and will be Grateful for all your help.
So that's it.
Zot Chanuka.
We thank you so much - for listening, for caring, and in advance, for giving!
C Ya on the Radio!!!!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Chanuka Sameyach - Happy Week 7 of the 9 Weeks of Shlomo!

So, I think tonight's Sunday Night Live Show needs to be refered to as the "Blink and you'll miss it" edition of Sunday Night Live.
...and you say: "what? Did I miss it?"
and I say:  "you see, it's like this, it just happened...."
Now, all of you regular Sunday Night Live listeners already heard the most wonderful 52 minutes of a "Holy" Gathering (Melave Malke-Chanuka Party) from just last night in Berkley, California that featured our friend, the most wonderful Shlomo Chasida ever, (not to mention being wonderful on her own!)
Emunah Witt-HaLevy.
We've been trying to get Emunah to be a guest during the "9 Weeks of Shlomo" for 4 years already, and now, I'm happy to say, we have finally done it!
Emunah Witt-HaLevy leading the gang, recorded live -right here on Radio Free Nachlaot.
How cool is that?
And you say: "why didn't you tell us????"
And I say: "well, I'm telling you NOW!"
So, because it's Chanuka, and because this was SO GOOD and because we really didn't want you to miss it, 
Sunday Night Live,
The "If you Blink you'll Miss it" Edition will be re-broadcast at:
Midnight - Jerusalem time,
5:00 PM - East Coast (NY) time
3:00 PM - West Coast (Berkley - studio A) time.

Don't you dare miss it!!!!

C Ya on the Radio!!!!