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Thursday, February 4, 2010

Gevaldt, it's Moishe & Lorelai LIVE On-Air Today - Mamash, The Highest!

"The Decemberists" (as Rabbi Chaim Richman likes to call us) are back in business! Yes, our beloved friend Rabbi Moishe Pesach Geller is freshly arrived from a 4+ month stint in Schmutz L'Eretz (California, specifically) and he'll be LIVE IN-STUDIO with Lorelai, today at 3:00 pm - right here! You can be sure when you get two like-minded Sagittarians together, add merriment, music and a microphone it will make for some world-class radio fun. When Steve and Lorelai started Radio Free Nachlaot, this is exactly the kind of thing they dreamed about - "playing radio" with our friends,  family, loved ones, teachers, musicians, healers, and all the amazing personalities we know and love here in Jerusalem! We've been privilege to hang out on-air with so many amazing people - Harvey Milstein, Liebe Schulman, Oneg Shemesh, Rabbi Chaim Richman, Betzalel Phillip Edwards, Moshe Newman, Leah & Rena, Shulie and her Abba ...This is what we call Our Dream Come True.
Lots of Rain Music today continuing through this afternoon's LIVE with Moishe & Lorelai Show - then after that, stay tuned for the rest of today's schedule - and tonight STEVE LEVINE takes over with a very, very VERY special edition of his Cookin' for Erev Shabbos Show!