Well, cmon now, shabbos is on the way!!
But not to worry, we will play your way to Shabbos.
Radio Free Nachlaot where (today, anyway) Neil Young meets Jerry meets Shlomo all on the road to Shabbos. What a nice way to spend the day!!
L'chaim to all of us! L'chaim to the Shechina that dwells inside each of us and amongst us. May our homes and our lives be fitting vessels to receive her light and comfortable enough for her to want to stay and "chill" a bit.
Sometimes we have to "go out" to reach and gather the light, and sometimes we have to sit back and receive the light and let it reach us.
Whatever path you need to take, just remember we're all going to meet up at the Shabbos Table tonight, so don't get distracted by wrong turns, incorrect road maps, and all the detours that may try to block your way.
Remember "...the road goes on forever, and the party never ends."
Looking forward to meeting up with you down the road - for sure someone knows the way!
Good Shabbos, Good Shabbos.
Today, the Radio Free Nachlaot "Not for Kids Only" Childrens' Hour will feature "Cinderella" at about 1:30 pm, and then we'll continue with music 'til close to 4.
Motzoei Shabbos - Melave Malke meets Shlomo - beginning Shlomo week 4 - after 7PM, and don't forget our special guest on Sunday Night 8-11 PM - Tzilia Sakarow. She's our good friend and was a good friend of Shlomo's as well. There'll be much to talk about when Tzilia joins Lorelai and Steve for Sunday Night Live.
C ya on the radio!