... well, just in case you're off to a slow start our Tuesday programming is bound to get your motors running -
at 12:30 (postponed from her usual 9 am spot) we will have Maya to make sure we're rockin' - that's right, Maya in the Morning will be Maya in the early afternoon - but, what the heck, we're a dynamic station which means we are in the flow - where change is the new normal!
Then, at 3Pm, our friend Avraham Sand will be here to explore with us the source and sources behind the Ketoret Spices. The Avraham Aromatherapy website (http://www.avaroma.com) has all sorts of information for you to read, but wouldn't you rather hear it from Avraham, himself? Tell your friends! Tell your neighbors! Avraham will be in the house at 3 pM - Don't Miss it!
And then, later this evening, at 7:00 PM - the Homegrown Hour, bringing you new music straight from our inbox to your ears. Remember, if you have any homegrown music that you have produced and you want share, send your mp3 files to radiofreenachlaot@gmail.com. We will try to get your music on the air.
Of course, in and around these special programs we will continue with our regular, special programming - music, Torah, and talk, 24/6, all for you, from us, on Radio Free Nachlaot!