To everything - turn, turn, turn - there is a season - turn, turn, turn ....
... and a time for every music under heaven. The question is: What time is it? The musical question is: Does anybody REALLY know what time it is - does anyone really care?"
An ongoing discussion over the past week about the nature of time - "Relative" time vs. "Absolute" time - with an 11 year old obsessed-with-science boy has revealed what we've known all along but tried to forget - that time crawls when you're miserable, G*d forbid, and flies when you're having fun.
So, what kind of time are we having here?
We're in a slightly funny time - Dawg Days, Days Between .... between the end of The 9 Days of Jerry and the beginning of Elul Zman, the month of Elul which precedes Rosh HaShanah.
We're at the cusp of the last month of the year.
We're taking time to catch our breath, before the next great push forward ... breathe deep (while you sleep), breathe deep (the gathering gloom, watch lights fade from every room) ... exhale ...
... and, again. Because in the end, every breath you take, every move you make ... HKBH will be watching (over) you. And us too.
Let us all say Hallelujah, and let us all say: Amen!