Streaming the best music, talk and Torah 24/6 from an undisclosed location, deep inside Nachlaot - Jerusalem's coolest neighborhood - to the World!

Nachlaot is the Greenwich Village / Haight Ashbury of Jerusalem - rhymes with "rock the boat, skin the goat"

ZOOM: The Leader in Field Recording Excellence

ZOOM: The Leader in Field Recording Excellence
As Aretha Sang: "Who's Zoomin' Who?"

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Sunday Night Live - Tonight - 8:30PM

Meshenichnas Adar, Marbe B'simcha. We know that the Month of Adar (this year the months of Adar) is a time of happiness.  In fact, that's what we say: "He who enters Adar, increases in Simcha - happiness." 
Question is, how do we exit Adar. 
I would like to invite you to join us and exit Adar "b'ONEG."
We should exit Adar in Joy, or as we will be doing 'round her, with special "live" music from Studio "B" with our friend Oneg Shemesh.

Oneg is visiting from the U.S., and what would a visit to Israel be without stopping by the radio!
Catch us tonight as we catch up with Oneg - 8:30 PM - Sunday Night Live.
C Ya on the Radio!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

It's Wednesday - "Mit Voch" - Mid week, or "Hump" day.

That's right. Wednesday. It's not last Shabbos, and it's not yet Shabbos. Mid Week. How do we get over the hump, and down the slide to Shabbos?
Well, we have an idea.
7:00 PM - TONIGHT - Let's meet a "new" friend, and see if he can give us a bit of a boost (or push) over to the other side (not the OTHER SIDE Chas v'shalom)!

So, tonight, Live from Studio "B" in Jerusalem, 
He's Rory's friend from Pardes, he's a singer/songwriter who we featured just last night on the Homegrown Hour, and he's coming to hang out/sit in with us this evening.
What better way to spend Wednesday, don't you agree?
Well I bet if you listen in you will!!!

....and don't forget, at 9:00 PM - "Rambling with Rena" (Yes, Radio with Rena has changed it's name) -
Music only Rena would think to play, which is why we love playing Rena's music.
10:00 - The album of the week, which even if I knew what it will be, I wouldn't tell you.....
and then we'll just go on, and on, and on....
Happy Mid-Week everybody.

C Ya on the Radio!

Monday, March 17, 2014


Good Purim Everybody.

Today's Programming brought to you by the Holy One Blessed Be He.
In fact, everyday the programming is brought to you by the grace of G-d - it's just that its' well hidden.

Today, all is revealed!!!! Today we know where the "Programming" comes from!
Gevaldt! Gevaldt! Gevaldt!

Have a Happy Purim.
....and speaking of Programming - we have some great concerts and some great Shlomo scheduled for all day long! 
Enjoy !!!!!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

"Not Just a Neighborhood, A State of Mind!"

That's Right. "...a State of Mind."
Join us, tonight, at 7:00 PM Jerusalem Time for Sunday Night Live....Nachlaot meets Oakland, California!
Our friend, musician/composer/performer Ariel Elisha put together a special night of Torah and Music with Rabbi Raz Hartman in Oakland last Monday Night, March 3, 2014. 

Of course Lorelai was there, and now "there is here" and we can all sit and hear and experience a night of Nachlaot in Oakland, a night of Raz Hartman, one of Nachlaot's most beloved and well-known rabbis/teachers/musicians/congregational leaders

7:00 Raz Torah on Purim

8:00 Raz in Concert!

Don't miss it! All times are Jerusalem times, don't forget about Daylight Savings Time if you're in America!

C Ya on the Radio!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Lorelai and Steve - Seperate but together!

Yes, tonight, Sunday Night Live, starting at 7:00 PM Jerusalem Time will feature 2 interviews, recorded live within the past few weeks. This is "live" enough for Sunday Night Live!
First up, Lorelai Kude's Mitzvah Media Production interview with Chloe Valdary. 

Chloe is an outspoken young woman from New Orleans who supports Israel and is receiving quite a bit of "social media flak" for it.  You may have listened last Thursday, or maybe you've already downloaded the interview, but maybe you haven't -- and maybe you should just listen to what Chloe and Lorelai have to say.
Then, 8:00 PM'ish, we'll go back a few weeks to Tuesday night's Homegrown Hour with our special guest Rory Michelle. 

Steve and Rory settle back for a real warm and intimate session featuring live performances by Rory of some originals and a whole bunch of covers.  This too will be available soon for download, but why wait. Catch it as it happened, tonight on the radio.
There are a few other items of importance that Steve is bound to talk about, but you never know what will be 'cause pre recorded or not, it is Sunday Night Live!

C Ya on the Radio!!!