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ZOOM: The Leader in Field Recording Excellence
As Aretha Sang: "Who's Zoomin' Who?"

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

It's Wednesday - "Mit Voch" - Mid week, or "Hump" day.

That's right. Wednesday. It's not last Shabbos, and it's not yet Shabbos. Mid Week. How do we get over the hump, and down the slide to Shabbos?
Well, we have an idea.
7:00 PM - TONIGHT - Let's meet a "new" friend, and see if he can give us a bit of a boost (or push) over to the other side (not the OTHER SIDE Chas v'shalom)!

So, tonight, Live from Studio "B" in Jerusalem, 
He's Rory's friend from Pardes, he's a singer/songwriter who we featured just last night on the Homegrown Hour, and he's coming to hang out/sit in with us this evening.
What better way to spend Wednesday, don't you agree?
Well I bet if you listen in you will!!!

....and don't forget, at 9:00 PM - "Rambling with Rena" (Yes, Radio with Rena has changed it's name) -
Music only Rena would think to play, which is why we love playing Rena's music.
10:00 - The album of the week, which even if I knew what it will be, I wouldn't tell you.....
and then we'll just go on, and on, and on....
Happy Mid-Week everybody.

C Ya on the Radio!