That's Right. "...a State of Mind."
Join us, tonight, at 7:00 PM Jerusalem Time for Sunday Night Live....Nachlaot meets Oakland, California!
Our friend, musician/composer/performer Ariel Elisha put together a special night of Torah and Music with Rabbi Raz Hartman in Oakland last Monday Night, March 3, 2014.
Of course Lorelai was there, and now "there is here" and we can all sit and hear and experience a night of Nachlaot in Oakland, a night of Raz Hartman, one of Nachlaot's most beloved and well-known rabbis/teachers/musicians/congregational leaders
Of course Lorelai was there, and now "there is here" and we can all sit and hear and experience a night of Nachlaot in Oakland, a night of Raz Hartman, one of Nachlaot's most beloved and well-known rabbis/teachers/musicians/congregational leaders
7:00 Raz Torah on Purim
8:00 Raz in Concert!
Don't miss it! All times are Jerusalem times, don't forget about Daylight Savings Time if you're in America!
C Ya on the Radio!