It's Tuesday. ok. It's Tuesday. So, what's going on? nuttin' ? Can't be -- there must be something going on!!! I mean, It's Tuesday!
Well, there is something going on at Radio Free Nachlaot, and this is the schedule:
1:00 - 6:00 PM - Our "Israeli Soul" show, dedicated to the sounds of Nachlaot - the ones that play from right to left -- ok, a lot of the words are in english, but it's our Jewish Soul music that we're exploring -- in our own RFN way -- which today will include but not be limited to:
Ain Od Bilvado, C Lanzbom, Nomi Teplow, Benzion Lehrer, Binyamin Brody, Bini Landau, and a whole lot more --
2:00 - Rabbi David Aron's "Seeing G-d" series continues - Part 7
4:00 - Shlomo Carlebach - a "Radio Interview" - that's what it says (let's listen together and see what it really is!)
After 6 - We'll head out to our favorite hotel - starting with some Charles Mingus, p

assing through many musical stops, but sure to arrive by 9:oo PM - when we will feature as our Album of the Day:

The Eagles, Hotel California. I mean, we're playing all this California music cause Lorelai's in L.A. (sounds like a feature flick, no?) and we haven't even played Hotel California - I mean she is living in Hotel California - well, maybe not exactly.... and after that - we've asked Joe Walsh to stick around, and then Fleetwood Mac (Tusk) and Crosby, Stills, Nash, Young, Bruce (as in -yup)- no, not Hornsby! - and Nils --The Bridge Concert Show -- which will take us to about a quarter past midnight. What will be after that? Only the Rock and Roll Spirit knows for sure -- (do we believe in that kind of stuff?) Stay tuned and find out!