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Sunday, December 18, 2011

Is it live, or is it

Sunday Night Live ?

Well, it is Sunday Night, and we will be "live" in Studio "B" to start off Week #6 of the 9 Weeks of Shlomo. Tonight Sunday Night Live features some "memories" from previous 9 Weeks of Shlomo interviews, a real, live interview with Rena Meriash-Levine and then, somewhere around 9:30  PM (Jslm time) we will do the one thing we can't do during the 9 Weeks of Shlomo: conduct a live interview with Shlomo.  Well, we have one on "tape" and that is what we'll hear. Shlomo on Shlomo., let's not forget that it's almost Chanuka, so we may learn some Shlomo on Chanuka, as well.

It should be a great "live" evening, so why not join us!

C Ya on the Radio!