That's right, tonight, Live from Studio B, Steve and Lorelai and Benzion will be together from an undisclosed location deep in the heart of Nachalaot... so deep we can't even tell you where we are...and joining us for this 6th Night of Chanuka and the beginning of the 7th week of Shlomo will be Steve and Lorelai and Benzion. That's right - due to the unfortunate last minute cancellation of our previously scheduled guest, tonight Lorelai and Benzion will interview Steve. He did know Shlomo, you know... Of course Benzion will play some music and we'll all carry on just like it was Sunday Night Live on the radio!.After all, it's Chanuka and we should be getting together and having a party - just like the man on the record says.
....and to continue with our special Chanuka progamming, tomorrow night:
Hanukkah - ROCK OF AGES with Ilai and Mark Lazar!
Monday night December 26th from 8:00-10:00PM!
Rock with Black Sabbath, Queen, Emerson, Lake and Palmer, The Doors, Pink Floyd, The
Byrds and more as the thematic scheme of the kosher “chag” is musically explored!
Light my!