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Sunday, September 11, 2011

9-11 Sunday Night Live

Remembering, and forgetting.

It's the day that's been approaching for a while now - the 10-year anniversary of "9-11" - the day "our world changed forever," as it's been said by more than one commentator.

Tonight on "Sunday Night Live," Steve Levine and Lorelai Kude will bring you a special 9-11 themed program. It's about remembering, forgetting and remembering again. 

Not  entirely a coicidence that we just read Parsha Ki Tetze in the Torah yesterday on Shabbat - where we are instructed to always remember what Amalak did to us, and not to forget, and to keep remembering until the memory of Amakak is wiped away entirely - even from (according to the Midrash) the Throne of HaShem Himself.

As the world around us here in Israel grows tighter and tighter, it's astonishing to see, 10 years after Islamic Jihadism declared war on America and all America stands for (and by extension, Israel and all of what we call "Western Civilization") how successful radical Islamic fundamentalism has been in the last 10 years. At this very moment a band of terrorists are readying to unilaterally declare themselves a "state" right here within the State of Israel, in the Biblical Land of Israel, and the world stands either idly by OR actively encourages the creation of a monstrous entity that has already declared it's intention to destroy us and then the rest of the world until all knees bow to Islam.

But ... never mind! It's Radio Free Nachlaot, where we're going to give you the low-down on what's REALLY going on with our hearts and our chevre right here in the Holy Land, in the U.S. and everywhere else where there are sane, caring people. HKBH is enabling us to bring our unique perspective to you - in words, in music, in dialogue - from right here at the REAL "Ground Zero" - Jerusalem, heart of the Holy Land, Center of the Universe.

Join us at 8pm tonight from the Center of the Universe as we remember 9-11 together.